jeudi 24 mars 2016


Recipe for 20 “Canelés”, this is a French speciality, which comes from south of France and especially in the most famous city: Bordeaux.

  • 1 litter of fresh whole milk
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 280g flour
  • 475g sugar
  • 50g sweet butter
  • 10cl dark rum
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract
  • 2 vanilla beans

1st step:
Bring to a boil the milk with butter, rum, vanilla extract and vanilla beans. Then, turn off heat and allow to rest covered for 15 minutes.

2nd step:
In another container, mix the eggs and put the sugar and the vanilla beans.

3rd step:
Boil the milk and pour the mixture over the eggs and the sugar. Then, let stand for 2 minutes.

4th step:
Mix well and add delicately the flour.

Advise: The dough is left to stand for 24 hours.
The next day, fish paste must be mixed regularly to keep the butter evenly distributed. Then, apply mixture in a mould.

About the baking...
Preheat the oven to 275°C. Baking the “Canelé” involves in two times:

The first firing is 15 minutes at 275 ° C, and without stopping the oven down to 200 ° C for 35 additional minutes. Remove the mould and let cool to room temperature.

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